Why Not So Independent or Rational?
There is a good article by David Hirsh on Independent's publication of a 'Jewish Stars and Stripes'.
David Hirsh’s article is first class but the reaction to it, just plain silly, but why ? Looking through the comments and points raised one thing stuck me: the irrationality of it all.
Not for the first time do we find conspiracy theories, but why in this modern age? Are they a substitute religion? Or a way of rationalising seemingly conflicting events or information? A surrogate ‘Satan’ or ‘witch’? A focus for people’s inner hatreds and loathing? The need for an eternal bogeyman?
I wonder if some psychiatrist could explain the prevalence of conspiracy theories in modern political thinking, albeit on the fringes of reality?
From the story of five dancing Israelis (were they doing the rumba?) to “dynamiting” of the WTC and beyond, why do smart people believe this nonsense?
Is it some medieval impulse that seems to draw people back to the intellectual dark ages?
I am at a loss to understand the craven irrationality behind these views.
Why do otherwise intelligent people believe such baloney? And to what purpose?
Surely, anyone familiar with the “Protocols” etc, should see through the absurdities and draw the historical connections?
Or is there some deeper psychiatric complaint in humanity, which explains it?