20 May 2005

Words will come back to haunt you.

We are lucky to live in the age of the Internet: information can be accessed at the touch of a button, Webcams allow us to check the weather in the remotest of cities and electronic books allow people to freely read historical literature.

Yet there are many people, invariably politicians or dictators, which fear freely accessible information and the ability of ordinary people to recall historical facts (previous statements, reports, etc), and therefore hold them to account.

The recent appearance of George Galloway at the Senate sub-committee may prove that words will come back to haunt him.

Irrespective of our view on Galloway, he gave a strong performance and bettered the weak questioning from the senators, but issues concerning Miriam's appeal will not go away.

Below are links to the transcripts of his court appearance and the Senate sub-committee.

Galloway libel

Senate sub-committee transcript

Senate sub-committee video, from the BBC

See his comment " Using their statutory powers they recovered all money in and all money out ever received or spent by the Mariam Appeal. "

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